Keep Your Breath Safe Under Your Mask

Unless you have been living under a rock in 2020 then you know some things have changed.  people are getting arrested for not wearing any kind of cloth over their mouths all over the country.  This means that most people are forced to wear facemasks in 2020.  I know that it has no effect on the Coronavirus because it is not rated to stop it, but now we are all wearing them and have noticed that it affects our sense of smell the most.  It has caused many Americans to wonder if their dental health is where it should be in 2020.  It has become more of an issue than many other things because people are actually living with the mask and breath underneath of it instead of a cold that 99.97% of people will get over.  So since dental health is important I want to go over some ways to keep bad breath away and halitosis far from our lives.


Many people think they have terrible breath and if this is the case, stop reading this article and go see your dentist.  If you know your mouth is super bad, then you know something is wrong.  It is as simple as that.  Go to your dentist and save yourself some money by going after the issue and possible problem now before it becomes an emergency.  That is my advice and it saves so much money. So that is my first set of advice is to see a medical professional if you know it is needed.


Now another thing that people think is the problem is really just a habit issue.  Many people actually don't brush their teeth twice a day and barely brush once a day.  They also usually don't brush for two minutes as the American Dental Association suggests.  That is just how it is in America and don't feel bad if this is you.  You know you need to step up your game and it is something that you can do.  I suggest making a habit of brushing twice a day. Now many people will shake their head and say of course I will. But the truth is that habits of even brushing teeth are hard to make.


Making a habit usually takes 30 days to do.  It also means that for brushing teeth you will probably need a trigger to do it.  I suggest using your cell phone.  It is 2020 and homeless people usually have cell phones, so you know you can set two alarms and set them to go off for a month in a row.  Each of those times should be when you are home and have a sink available to you.  Then just make it a known and certain habit of brushing your teeth.  Within a month you may find that your breath is better and your teeth look brighter.  I also suggest adding in some extras during this time.


Have some mouth wash and a dental floss stick next to your brush.  Try and add in those other two things along with your habit.  It will keep your teeth much more protected by getting bad particles that cause tooth decay out of your mouth. The mouthwash also keeps your dental health a little safer as well.

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